Tower block

Tower block
This bad boy is getting knocked down later this year. Seems a shame but I'm not really surprised.

Monday 28 May 2012

But what about the fridge?

When I tell people I'm going off grid they normally ask how you'll live without a fridge. I've got a confession to make. I've not had a fridge for about 4 years, its really easy.

The first thing people find hard to accept is that its not really feasible to have milk in your tea. I quite like milk in tea but its a very English tradition, no one else in the world really does it as far as I can tell. People not from the UK think we are a little strange. You may not decide to go for the strong, black tea as it can be quite bitter without milk. What tea should you drink if you don't have a fridge? Let's ask Captain Jean-Luc Picard from the USS Enterprise:

What about other things you normally use fridges for? Some things are not really that feasible but I don't miss them. Storing meat and most dairy (eggs are fine) can't be done for long. That means I tend to not buy cheese, butter or meat. It doesn't mean you can't have these things but it does mean you have to eat them in a couple of days so its fine if you have people over or if you are feeling particularly gluttonous.

Generally I think not having a fridge has improved my diet, I eat allot of fresh veg and olive oil (in place of butter). Neh bother.

This is not my fridge BTW

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